We want to hear a story about you and Pezo Pals! Submit a video, photograph, or testimonial
that you want to share with friends, family, and the world that showcases how your children
have enjoyed and played with Pezo Pals! We want to hear exciting stories from you! The entry
with the highest votes from Pezo Pals Club Members will be the winner of the contest, so get
all your friends and family to regiser today and vote for you!
If you have an interesting story about your Pezo Pals that you would like to share with others , you
have a chance to be the winner of this contest! Just register and join the Pezo Pals Club today,which
is free and enter the contest by following the link "Submit your Entry".
The winner of the contest will be showcased on the Pezo Pals website and will receive a special gift!
Click here to enter the contest